
DS EDUTECH या शैक्षणिक ब्लॉगवर आपले स्वागत आहे , देवराव जाधव ९४०४३६४५०९ .
दैनंदिन अभ्यासमाला दिनांक ऑक्टोबर २०२२ पर्यंत डाउनलोडसाठी उपलब्ध , डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा .
Online अभ्यास दिनांक 31 मार्च पर्यंत डाउनलोडसाठी उपलब्ध , डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा .


मंगळवार, २७ डिसेंबर, २०२२

What is religion ?

 What is religion ?

There was a king. Absolutely loved by the people. Very brave but equally kind. Smart and efficient. The people of the neighboring kingdom used to say that having such a king is luck. People of that kingdom respected him a lot. There is no discrimination or prejudice in giving justice. It was only at times that tensions grew or became desperate in the name of religious precepts. But on rare occasions, he would use his own conscience and judge in the name of religion. Not knowing exactly what religion is, he did not believe that what we were doing was right. So, "What is religion?" He always asked the scholars of his kingdom. But he was not getting any satisfactory answer.

Once he called the Pradhan and called the scholars of all the nearby states and said, “If anyone can understand the religion, he should come to see the king. If the king receives a satisfactory answer, he will be duly honoured.” It was announced.

Many learned scholars came from different states. Everyone explained the definition of religion and so on. What is religion, explained by example. But the king was not satisfied. Something seemed incomplete. Even if many people come and go, he will not be satisfied. Many used to say what is wrong, what is bad and what is right. Emphasizing how the other is wrong. So there was no correct answer. Finally he gave up.

He came to know that a sage had built an ashram in a forest near his kingdom. He also learned that the sage was very learned and a great scholar. Thinking that he might answer my question, he went to meet him at his ashram.

He went to the ashram and fell at the feet of sages. blessed The gift brought for the sages was offered to them. And then “Would you explain to me what religion is?” Asked that question. The sage smiled wryly and told him, "I too am still searching for the answer, but I will say for sure that I have always followed Dharma in my life."

The king said, “My lord, if you believe that you have always been practicing dharma, then you will know exactly what dharma is. Please tell me.”

The sage felt the king's insistence very much. They told him you stay here today. Tomorrow morning I will tell you what religion is.”

The next morning, Bhalya Pahte took the king to the nearby river. There were many boats on the river. The riverbed was small, and the flow of water was also slow. The sage told the king, Rajan come we have to go across the river. Tell me which boat to take.

The king took the sage to a boat. The sages pointed out many faults in that boat and said “Raja do not want this boat. look another"

The king looked at other boats and found a good one among them. Rishi Muni found four or five mistakes in it too and said "No, Father, this is very bad, look at one more."

The king showed another boat. Sages pointed out its faults. After rejecting four or five boats, the king got a little bored and said to the sage, “My lord, I feel that the riverbed is too small for that. And the flow is also low. We can swim comfortably. Why need a boat?”

The sage smiled and said to the king. You are right Rajan. So it is with religion. If you decide to swim, you can get to the other side. Why do you ask others to define religion? The loyalty and justice with which you rule is called Dharma. He who is punished by religion should learn to act by religion. Religion is not a subject of study but of practice. As you just said that we don't need a boat to cross a river, we can swim, so it is with religion. Always happy: saint,

Surve Santu Niramaya,

Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu,

Ma Kashchi Bhabhabhava !!!,

Work for the happiness of all and protect the weak. Even if you don't know what religion is, it's okay."

The king was satisfied and went back to his kingdom to rule properly, and instead of sitting around trying to find the answer to what religion is, he lived it.

English Moral Stories

Marathi Stories

Kishor Masik Goshti

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