
DS EDUTECH या शैक्षणिक ब्लॉगवर आपले स्वागत आहे , देवराव जाधव ९४०४३६४५०९ .
दैनंदिन अभ्यासमाला दिनांक ऑक्टोबर २०२२ पर्यंत डाउनलोडसाठी उपलब्ध , डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा .
Online अभ्यास दिनांक 31 मार्च पर्यंत डाउनलोडसाठी उपलब्ध , डाउनलोड करण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा .


मंगळवार, ६ डिसेंबर, २०२२

Pay as you should

 Pay as you should

According to our Hindu theology, the charity which is done, is mainly to Brahmins! Charity should always be charity. There is also a rule of charity. Another meaning of this is that one should think about how a Brahmin should be a Brahmin who is to be added to the rank of virtue by giving alms. Now there is a story in the Padma Purana regarding how this Brahmin should be, what he should do and what he should not do. That is, a Brahmin should be wise, calm in nature, contented and humble.

He should not be arrogant, proud, hypocritical and greedy. One who knows Brahma should be one who worships Bhagavat. Also, a Brahmin should not be of Kshatradharmaya or commercial attitude. A Brahmin should not be a moneylender. Don't borrow. Don't take loans. If taken, it should be paid immediately. Also he should not be surety to anyone. Because as we do in this life, we have to suffer the good and bad results in the next life.

An instructive story in the same context is this: A man named Jayasimha once went to a nearby kingdom for the purpose of trading. There he stopped to rest under a tree while returning from a good trade. He washed his hands and feet in a nearby stream. We sat in the shade of a tree and ate vegetables and bread.

He lay down to take some rest, when he accidentally hit his eye. Woke up after a while. The distance was very long, so he hurriedly got up. He got on his horse and went ahead. But what happened, he forgot his bundle of money in that rush. Jaisingh the merchant went ahead and – in no time – there came a man named Raman Lal. He thought to sit under that tree, that's when he saw the bundles of money there. Is he honestly finding any owner of that bundle here and there; So waited a bit. But no one came.

Then he picked up the bundle of windfall and went straight on his way. Ramanlal left and another traveler named Gangaram came and stopped at the same place. He sat under the same tree and left his shidori and started eating vegetables. He may or may not have put the first straw in his mouth; The very first traveler, that is, the merchant named Jaisingh returned there. He asked Gangaram about the knot he had left there.

Gangaram said, “No father, I have just come here. I didn't find anything wrong here." But Jayasimha did not think Gangaram's words were true. He started to feel that he is lying. Then Jayasimha gave Gangaram breath, threatened him; But he was saying 'no no, I don't know anything'. But Jayasimha did not believe his words. On the contrary, wanting to know the truth, he started beating Gangaram.

But then Gangaram, who was really innocent and true, started to get angry. He started to feel sorry. He began to cry out to God, “Lord Narayana, oh run – save me, save me.” At exactly that time, Naradamuni was traveling through the sky. They saw him under the tree and felt pity for Gangaram who was eating the crackers he didn't want. He immediately went to Vaikuntha Narayana.

Having met the Lord there, he asked him, “God, protecting the devotees, is it not your passion? Then, even if that devotee of yours is breaking the taho in your name, why don't you go to his rescue?” Then Lord Narayan said to Narada, "What is it, Narada, this is the karmabhog of that Gangaram, who works as he does, so the fruit falls in his place.. Then the loan was written off.

“The one who suddenly got rich, that traveler i.e. Ramanlal was a moneylender in his past life. He who was robbed of his hard-earned wealth was the guarantor of Gangaram in his past life. The debtor did not pay the debt, so he had to be beaten. The guarantor had to pay the loan to the lender. Narada! No one escapes debt and murder. These three were Brahmins in previous births.”

Meaning: You have to pay as you should. If you can't afford the loan, don't take out the loan.

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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